Useful information for registration
Why join us?
We are not here to convince you but just to give you some little tidbits on what this association can offer you and, more importantly, how much your presence in the group can mean to us!
To be part of the group there are no limitations or restrictive requirements, indeed it is open to all students of Politecnico of Milan who frequent the mountains or who love it for its unique characteristics and emotions that only it can offer.
By signing up you will become part of the big Alpine family staying informed about all our activities, ongo outin the environment and thecultural eventsorganized in collaboration with great experts and representatives of different realities connected to the mountain environment.
What can you do?
Put yourself incontact directly with us,propose possible events to add to the calendar, such as film evenings or in-depth study on mountain topics dear to you.
DISCLAIMER: to participate in outdoor excursions it is necessary to be registered in a CAI section for insurance reasons.
To register it is necessary to pay a fee of €5 which is necessary to finance the group activities.
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